Code of practice

Driver Conduct/Driving Standards:

All cars must finish under their own power.
Under no circumstances will a driver leave the drivers stand if his or her car stops. It is a distraction to other drivers on the stand. The driver should simply stand step back and will only leave the stand at the completion of the race.
Drivers are not allowed to reverse on the track. It is preferable that an ESC is not fitted with a reverse function.
Respect other drivers on the track. If you are being lapped by a faster driver, move aside if there is sufficient room or better still – hold your line and allow the faster driver a clean line around you.
A driver’s etiquette is that if you should take another car out then you should wait and allow that car to re-pass you before continuing to race.
Drive within your own ability. Other drivers do not want their cars broken and we do not want the track barriers smashed up from reckless driving. Drivers who simply crash from corner to corner may be disqualified.
Deliberate collisions from behind with an “on line” car at a corner (T Boning) are regarded as unacceptable practice.
Participants driving in a manner deemed to be dangerous by the Race Controller could be penalized in the loss of driver’s best race time, and or club points.
Violent behaviour or language on the drivers stand or in the pits by anyone towards anyone is unacceptable and can be dealt with by the race controller and/or the Counties Radio Control Car Club Committee.


The loss of a driver’s best race time will remove them from the race results and mean that from the next race they will have to start from the back of the grid. This only applies to a Club Fun Day.
On a Club Points day for any infringement mentioned a loss of 10 Club Points can be incurred from a drivers race points from that race up to a maximum of 40 points for the day.
Drivers can in extreme circumstances be asked to leave the premises.

Li Po Batteries:

Rules for the safe charging and use of Lithium Polymer “LIPO” batteries, at CRCCC:
1) All club members wishing to run Lipo batteries are to show the committee that their charger is designed to charge Lipo and that they know how to set their charger correctly before using it at the club.
2) All lipo batteries to be of a hard case design.
This is to help prevent damage to the cells themselves, as dented cells should not be used.
3) All Lipo batteries charged at the track are to be charged at 1C rating or less
This is to prevent overcharging and damage to the cells.
4) All Lipo battery charging is to be done in a Lipo sack!
This is to help prevent fires. The club will have some Lipo sacks available for hire if people do not have their own.
5) All racers running Lipo batteries are to run a Lipo cut off, either built into their ESC or a stand-alone unit connected to their esc.
This is to prevent discharging of the batteries below the manufacturers specified voltage.
6) There will be spot checks of club members and visitors charging systems and charging practices and if anybody is found to be breaking the club rules, club drivers may lose all their points for the day and /or along with any Non- member [visitor] may be asked to leave the premises.


I have read and fully understand the rules set down by Counties Radio Control Car Club [CRCCC] for the use of Lithium Polymer [Lipo] Batteries whilst on their premises.
I further understand that these rules have been put in place for the protection of myself, CRCCC members and visitors, and that any Mis-Hap thru accident or Mis-Adventure is in no way attributed to CRCCC, its Committee or members and they shall not in any way be held liable or responsible for damage or injury through the use of Lipo Batteries at the CRCCC Off-Road Electric race track.

Racing Rules:

All rules for racing are conducted under the NZRCA of which Counties Radio Control Car Club is an affiliated member. A complete set of these rules can be found on the NZRCA site
Lipo batteries are the only exception to these rules and can be subjected change by the CRCCC Committee, or if and only when they become NZRCA legal the Counties Club will follow the NZRCA rules for these batteries.